Tuesday, February 23, 2021

It's a Conspiracy


'It's a Conspiracy' words that have been thrown around in my family for years, as a joke or a lame attempt at an excuse for non acceptable behaviour. Now it seems that everybody says it, if they don't like what they are hearing, it must be a conspiracy. 

Pretty much everything in the anti vax movement is a conspiracy, at least according to them. Big Pharma and Government cover ups, a friends aunts cousins workmate said it happened so it must be true. People have forgotten how to read the lie, how to recognise the absurdity of it all. Thanks to the internet, people have disconnected from the real world, and believe anything they see on line. Not realising that anyone can post anything on line, whatever they damn well want, and that doesn't make it true. 

I've seen people on line defend their stance, they are totally locked in, it doesn't matter how much proof of the lie, you throw at them, they still hang on to the belief that they are right. Most people will be open to learn, if I'm wrong about something, and I'm proved wrong, I will take notice and change my thinking. But what sets them apart from me. Is it because I didn't grow up with the internet? Is it because I don't look for any reason to blame someone other than myself? Is it that I see the truth, but that fucks with my whole way of life and to change is to destroy myself? 

I'm no psychiatrist, or psychologist, just a person, like anyone (well maybe not, I am awesome lol), but why am I less susceptible? It can't be because of what I've gone through in my life, I know people who have been through the same, surely there are people who have been through similar who are susceptible. Could it have something to do with my up bringing, as I said, no internet back then. We were taught that TV was for entertainment purposes only, music is a form of expression and to be enjoyed as it is, if we want to learn about something, read about it, research it, talk to people about their experiences, learn from others. We were also taught not to believe everything you heard. Remember 'Chinese Whispers'? I loved that game, I loved how you would tell someone something, they'd pass it on to someone else, etc, and at the end the original whisper was something completely different. It showed me how easy it is to hear false information that got even worse with each retelling. 

Of course not all conspiracies have anything to do with vaccinations. What makes people fall for a conman? Why is it that some youtube video made by some random person seems more real than actual proof? There is no doubt, a lot of reasons, and they have probably been discussed by smarter people than me lol, for people to fall into the rabbit hole that sends a logical person, like me, crazy. I always figure that if some alleged expert (that no one has ever heard of) is telling me that something is good for me, or I should buy their cure, that's a sure sign, they are full of shit lol. 

Buying the cure, that is another one that gets to me, why do so many people believe that some ordinary person, has discovered the cure for cancer, and it's only Big Pharma and the corrupt Government that is stopping it from being released to the general public. But hey come to my website and I'll sell it to you for $20 + shipping and handling. 

Let's look at the cases of outing a witch. How anyone could believe that someone who was supposedly so powerful, they destroyed crops and created diseases, and yet couldn't save themselves from execution, has always made me roll my eyes. I mean, seriously, I've got all that power, but hey go ahead tie me to the stake and burn me alive, cause I'll just let you go ahead and do that, instead of escaping lol. I guess back then, it was easier to believe the bullshit, I mean, education was only for the rich, science was nothing like it is today, and of course Doctors were still using leeches to cure everything. I can imagine the convo in the little village as the Doctor walked past, 

'Oooo Betsy, there's that so called medicine man.'

'Oh Edie, I heard that he stuck some leeches on poor Maeve. She hasn't been the same since.'

'No doubt he charged her a fortune for making her sicker, I'll never trust him.'

'Her poor husband had to pay 2 chickens, a goat, and a sack of potatoes, and all for some leeches that have sucked out her soul. She lounges around all day, reading, not looking after her husband. It's a crime.' 😂

I love the flat earth conspiracy, just the whole idea of it, is so utterly ridiculous I can spend hours laughing over flat earth pages on line. Some conspiracy theories are better entertainment than Netflix lol. But at the end of the day, it is still just a theory, it's not proven so is therefore not fact, and we might just as well be watching a show on Netflix. I don't mind a good alien conspiracy theory as well, it has to be good though, a bit of actual fact thrown in lol.

Oh and I can't forget how the government is trying to control us by putting chips into vaccines. Okay, that's not happening people, get that into your head. But here's a thought for you, why would you go online at all, whether it be on a phone, pc or tablet if you believed the government was trying to control you? All your info is in your devices, no one needs to chip you 😂

Something I did as a toddler was believe my older brother when he said eating a snail was good, he lied lol. But in some weird way he taught me a lesson, don't eat fucking garden snails lol. If anyone tries to convince you that eating raw garden sails is good for you, I give you this information for free, they are lying, and probably lie about other things as well lol. And it is those people who start the conspiracy theories. That person you just paid $20 + postage and handling, they are laughing at you. They know they are selling you a lie, they don't care. They turn up on the internet, searching for desperate people. They have others who laugh at you, posting reviews about their miracle cure and how Big Pharma knows about the treatment that has cured them. They laugh, and lie, because you let them. 

I get that believing in a conspiracy theory is easier sometimes, than facing facts, facing reality. It won't change anything though, you might have convinced yourself that you are right and on the right path, but in reality, you aren't, and until you realise that, you will continue on your way believing a load of bullshit. It might not even be a conspiracy theory that you believe in, but it's still a lie. Believing the bullshit, is much easier than reality, I know. I wish that I could believe the bullshit myself at times, it would sure as hell make life easier. 

Of course if you believe in the Australia doesn't exist conspiracy theory, you won't have read any of this, as I don't exist 😂

Catch yas
