Sunday, October 14, 2012

21!!!!!!!!!!!! No way

Well here we are on the eve of the birth of another one of my children, the last one this time folks so you only have to put up with ramblings about how wonderful they are one more time, at least for this year LOL. 

21 years ago, I was in the hospital, trying to get some sleep while having  incredible back pains, the labour pains were nothing compared to the back pain. I knew my husband was in the waiting room, in the uncomfortable chairs, despite being told I wouldn't give birth tonight and to go on home. Cause that's the sort of person he was. 2 other women were in there with me. One had been admitted but her pains had stopped, she'd end up going home in the morning, the other was being monitored for problems. All I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't. I wanted to go back home and sleep in my nice warm waterbed, but the hospital wanted me to stay in. 

A nurse finally took pity on me and got me a hot water bottle which she put under my back, the pain eased immediately and I went to sleep. I found out in the morning she replaced it twice during the night to give me a chance to sleep, thank you whoever you were. Don came in first thing in the morning, looking worse than me, obviously those chairs were not for sleeping. We must of walked everywhere in the hospital, I'm pretty sure we even went into several storage areas. I couldn't eat or drink anything without wanting to throw it back up. And despite the fact my husband had a heart condition, he walked alongside me all day, never asking to rest for a bit, only stopping to grab himself some water. 

The day dragged on and I watched women in labour going inside all day, we even saw one go in early in the morning and come back out that night, with a baby. I was so jealous. They all said that the more babies you have the shorter the labour, ha, my third was the longest. About 9pm I was finally taken down to the labour ward. Propped up with a bean bag, I kept telling them to take away, and gas they kept shoving over my face till finally I threw it at someone and said, stop it's making me sick and get this fucking bean bag out of here. Why is there always some idiot that says, now there's no need to swear dear. I tell you she's lucky she still had all her teeth. 

About 10.30 Dale was finally born, one of the poor midwifes had bruising up her arm where I'd squeezed to hard. He was in his fathers arms, and I was lying there with tears streaming down my face. Don had a cold and he was holding his cough in as he cradled his son, the pressure turning his face red, but my heart was filled with love at the sight of him struggling. It would of been easy for him to hand him to me or one of the nurses so he could cough, but no he wouldn't give him up. 

I was moved to a bed and Dale was whisked away to the nursery, so I could get some sleep. Don went home to make all the calls. The next day the girls arrived with their nana, and they too were rapt in him. Of course that wouldn't last cause we all know babies have a habit of growing up LOL. The next day we were home and surrounded by bloody Indians. The kind from India not the other ones. They were living with us while settling in after immigrating. I didn't need to do anything but feed Dale, they did everything for me, which was lovely but so damn boring I had to fake doctors appointments to get out of the house with him. We moved into our own home 2 weeks later with the Indians in a caravan out the back. 

When Dale was 20 mths old his father died. He loved our son and my girls ferociously, but the one thing he wanted to do, see them grow up, he couldn't. We moved around a lot and the kids all grew up. As the youngest Dale was a bit spoiled, but his sisters also did the strangest things with him. They'd dress him up like a girl, paint his nails and make him play all the girly games. But he loved it. That was until he had to go to school and found out they'd been torturing him for years. 

Dale hated school, used to make himself sick so he didn't have to go, or he'd spend the day in sick bay. Finally one teacher refused to let him go to sick bay, and we colluded against him so he had to stay at school. He finally gave up the fake sicknesses and found he actually had fun. Of course that all changes in high school, your not there to have fun your there to pick up girls and do all the things we hope they won't do, but deep in our hearts know they'll try. Our house was no longer filled with friends of the girls, now it was filled with friends of Dale. I felt like I actually had 10 children not 3 with the amount that would sleep over on the weekend. I'm pretty sure some of his mates slept over to catch a glimpse of his sisters, cause well they had boobs LOL. 

Finally out into the working world and growing up at 16. That's 5 yrs ago now, and so much has changed and so much has stayed the same. Dale works out every week, watches what he eats, but he still knows how to party hard. He didn't want a big 21st, so it was just dinner with the family on Saturday night. He picked the place and didn't have to pay. His sisters and their families gave him a voucher for sky diving, something he has been wanting to do since his brother in law did it. I gave him his special photo album that they all got when they turned 21, and a concert ticket that he wanted badly. And me I got the pleasure of being with the family at the same time, sharing memories with photos and just thinking back over the years. It's amazing to me how memories resurface with the telling of a story or looking at a picture, looking at the girls holding him in hospital, or putting their hats on him and telling him to pose, I remember all the joy, all the love and all the sorrow. 

No matter where Dales life takes him, no matter where mine takes me, we are family. I am proud of him and love him with all my heart. Happy Birthday Dale. 

And now to embarrass him with a pic he hates, but I love. 

And okay a couple he would approve of. 

Catch ya's

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Neighbours Kids are Mutants

Well I'm thinking they are anyway. They are lovely kids, don't get me wrong, but I'm thinking they are too lovely. They play happily together, fights are over before they have begun and they actually listen to their parents. It creeps me out to be honest. 

If one of them is upset they will calmly speak up and say "Jemima, you hurt my feelings" to which Jemima will reply "I'm very sorry I hurt your feelings, I will try very hard not to hurt you anymore". I'm like wtf, a normal brat, or maybe it would just be me, would of pounded on Jemima with a big stick while shouting abuse at her and they wouldn't of admitted it was because of hurt feelings. Once apologies are accepted they skip off into the sunset to play happily together for hours on end. There are 4 kids all together, and apart from the youngest who is just a toddler, they are super polite and super nice. The toddler is nice, but whinges a fair bit as toddlers are wont to do. 

I feel like I'm living next to mutants or cyborgs, programmed to suck us all in with their super niceness, until one day they snap and turn on us all with sub machine guns. 

Even the parents are super nice and polite, no raised voices from that house, unless it's the raised voice in laughter of the kids having a great time. Mum and Dad quietly explain to the kids why something is not acceptable. The grandmother tells the oldest that shouting across the road to her friends is not ladylike, and the kid actually listens and doesn't do it again, even going so far as to tell her friends to please not shout across the road. 

Dad comes home from work, and the kids all rush outside, vying to be the first to wrap their arms around him, as if he's returning from a 10 yr absence. Ummm hello it's just Dad, no one exciting, not like he's bringing home Johnny Depp for dinner or anything. I'm cynical, aren't I, yep I am, but I'm creeped out. I was such a rebel, sure I agreed with what the olds said, but did I do it, bet your arse I didn't LOL. 

I seriously can't remember any hurt feelings in my childhood, I'm sure there were just can't remember them. I remember chinese burns, nipple cripples and pushing and shoving. Oh and lots of shouting and swearing, no not from Mum and Dad LOL, My own kids were probably not as bad as me and my 2 brothers, but they didn't elicit creepy feelings from too much niceness like the neighbour kids. 

Schools out over here for 2 weeks, so for a week and half, I've been listening to them compliment each other, play nicely, help their mum, and be kind to each other. I'm telling you I am a nervous wreck, just waiting for one of them to pop up at my window with their little smiley face and whipping up the uzi and blasting me to hell and back. Until they are back at school my house is going to be a fortress, locked doors and windows, I'll keep the lights off so they don't know I'm home and they can't get me, only another 4 days to get through and I'm safe till the next holidays. 

Catch yas
