Friday, March 23, 2012

Who Me?

Thought I'd give this blogging thing a try, who knows it could prove to be the best blog in the world, in the universe even, it might lead to my world domination without a weapon fired!

I freely admit to having smoked pot and other substances (unlike a politician I will freely admit to anything I have done in my youth, or adulthood), and yes I bloody well enjoyed it. Still would except that now it just puts me to sleep, and it's alot more expensive.

I admit to not being the best mother in the world, but you know what, my kids are happy, healthy and 2/3 of them are out of the house, and they all survived being mothered by me. Must of done something right, when I work out what it is I'll let you all know.

I admit to being a smoker, gasp shock. Yep I'm a smoker and I like it. I don't care if you walk past me as I kill myself slowly, waving your hands in front of your face to dispel the smoke as you walk closer to the highway with all the trucks, cars and buses belching out the poison exhausts that are more likely to kill you and do it quicker. I won't come into your house and smoke, I will remove myself from your immediate vicinity to smoke, but if you come up to me while I'm enjoying said smoke, don't expect me to put it out (you knew I had one before you walked over). I won't smoke were I'm not allowed to, so don't preach to me when I don't ask you for it.

I admit to driving too fast, and yes I know I shouldn't but I do so there you have it. I won't run you down if you step out in front of me, but I will give you the finger and swear at you. You may not hear me, but I am. Same goes if you pull out in front of me, stop suddenly for no reason in front of me, or go 10 k's below the speed limit in a 50 zone in front of me. Unless of course your the police, then I am all sweetness and light.

I admit to not being a romantic. Bring me flowers if you want, I'll take pleasure in them, but romantic dinner for two I'll pass. I don't want to go and see a romantic movie, they make me gag, take me to something with action in it and lots of it, then I'm happy. Take me on a motorbike ride, instead of a horse and carriage, I'm not a thrill seeker but would prefer the wind in my hair and the speed.

I'll admit to alot of other things as I go on but for now that will do. I'm pretty sure I am not going to get arrested for them, well unless I get caught doing the illegal ones LOL.

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