It's Saturday evening, the sun is beginning it's downward spiral, the kids across the road are playing hand ball and arguing over who is winning, while their parents hide away in the house and pretend they can't hear them. We all know they can, cause if the whole damn street can hear them, even with Nazareth blaring from my speakers, then their parents can too.
Why do people do that? How hard is it, to get up and go and tell your kids to have some respect for each other and everyone else. Oh well, nothing I can do about it, and nothing I want to do about it, except turn the stereo up louder.
Who would of thought I'd be back here again, the next day, wow, must be a record for me, oh wait, of course it is, I've only just started this Blog. You forget shit when you get older, not that I'm going to admit that, I still have the mind of a 21 yr old. Albeit one who is stoned, but hey it works for me, so leave me my delusions thanks.
Most of my random thoughts occur when I'm just drifting off to sleep, of course then I am stuck awake while I ponder the world as we know it, and how it can be fixed. Why the hell I ponder such things I have no idea, I should be thinking about who I'm going to hook up with in my dreams, but not me, nope I'm pondering the world and all it's problems.
So last night I was thinking about my last electricity bill, which was a lot higher than the previous one. This is because the price of electricity has gone up, so given what I've been reading some people are paying, I'm doing alright. But it got me thinking about all the people who have been interviewed about the cost cutting measures to save on electricity. Turning off all the lights in rooms that aren't occupied, won't make a big difference to the bill, sorry but it's true. I do it, and my bill is always the same, so don't bother folks. So here's some tips. Go back to using the sink for your dishes, better yet make the kids do it, while you sit huddled under the dim wattage lamp trying to read. People say they only use it once a day, so only wash up once a day, easy. The washing machine, throw it out, leave your clothes on in your 5 minute shower (by the way who the hell can have a 5 minute shower and get their hair washed?) go stand outside in the sun, and voila, washed and dried, and ironed cause they have been drip dried.
Okay, that might be extreme, so try this, visit a laundromat. You take your gold coins in and use their machines, no wear and tear on yours, it's cheap, and your using their electricity. And you can then sell your unused appliances on eBay to pay for your next 6 bills.Take your washing with you when visiting relatives, tell them your machine is broken, your just going to use theirs for one load (make sure you don't tell them you sold yours) Be polite and take your own spray, powder and softener. Naturally, you'll sit down and talk to them for a while over a cup of their coffee, and before they know it you'll have done 5 loads. It would be good to arrive just as they are leaving to go out, and tell them you'll lock up. Make sure you find out how long they'll be so your not still there when they get back. While your there, watch their TV, bake a cake in their oven, have a shower (make it a long one), use their pc, and cook your dinner.
Your next bill will be dramatically less than the last!
It's a fact of life that prices rise, and our pay packets don't. Doesn't matter what country you live in this is a fact. Doesn't matter who is your political leaders, they won't do jack cause they are all on huge incomes and retire on huge pensions. Don't fool yourself into believing that the ones you vote for will be any different, cause they won't.
Slap! Sorry had to stop my self from getting on a political rant, don't want to go there, I have better thoughts to ramble about.
So I finished work today, oh yeh, finished with the cost of electricity, so I finished work, was sitting outside having a smoke and looking at the dirt on the car. Decided to wash car, finished, sat down for another smoke, looked at the garden and thought hmmmm, should dig that up, trim a bit. Soooooo hours later, finished that, sat down, got back up again and came inside. I knew if I sat there for a smoke I'd see something else to do and I have done enough for the day. Now it's getting too dark to see what else needs doing I can safely go outside again. I think after all that work, I should treat myself to a burger for dinner. Dale's not home so it's just one, yeh I'm going to go down and grab a burger, use someone else's electricity.
Catch ya
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