Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thinking thinking

And I shouldn't be. Thinking always gets me into trouble or confused, I need to think about which. 

I really need to spend less time thinking of the what might ofs and the what ifs, it's a path that really shouldn't be taken. I will sit there watching TV, miss half of what I'm watching because I'm thinking to much, then I'll sit there and watch the replay thinking about how I should of been watching this instead of thinking. What the hell was I thinking about again? Oh yeh, then I start thinking about just what I was thinking about while watching the show and miss the replay. 

It's a vicious circle. 

Having a brain that is active enough to think is a good thing, not being able to turn it off is not. Lying in bed, drifting off, then the brain switches on, thinking thinking thinking. Even reading is not an escape from the thought process. I'm starting to rewrite books in my head, and that cannot be a good thing, at least unless I write my own and I earn some money for it. There's a thought a famous author, raking in the millions, my books made into movies that win Oscars, oh I could have a hand in picking the actors, wow the possibilities are endless. Of course I'd remain a normal person, well I think I would anyway. Maybe I should think about what life would be like, but no that's turning it all on again, and as long as I'm typing I'm reasonably safe, unless of course, my brain starts to turn and I actually stop typing while I'm thinking. I need to type faster so that my brain can't start thinking of anything else but what I'm typing. 

And there it goes, interrupting me. And what is it I'm thinking of you might ask, well that's a big problem, cause it's basically nothing as far as I can tell. Occasionally I'll start thinking about one thing that maybe happened during the day, or I'll see a photo and think about getting a new frame or I'll remember when and where it was taken, before I know it, my brain has gone off on some wild tangent and I'm no longer thinking about anything simple. Whether it's some wild plot to take over the world or just something like, how much salt is a pinch of salt, I mean really who the hell knows that one. What if my pinch is bigger than the authors pinch, will that make all the difference in the cooking or the tasting? And who determined that we could use such inane measurements anyway. I can imagine somebody in medieval times stirring their pot of rabbit stew over a fire, picking up the salt and adding it bit by bit till they got the right taste, and declaring 'It was only a pinch of salt I needed everyone.' or maybe they'd say it like 'tis only a pinch of salt to be added to the pot milady'. How the hell anyone ever understood anyone else in those days is another thought spinning round and around. 

The sad thing is, while I may be thinking constantly I'm not actually thinking about any one thing enough to invent it, or I'm not pondering some new law or the problems in another country that I might solve if I could only get my thinking in order. I could be a peacemaker, or I could have a nobel prize in my head, but no one will ever know. 

And there you have it, a day in my life, thinking about a photo frame and I'm suddenly stirring a pot of rabbit stew and adding salt to it, while not being able to speak the language. The 2 things have nothing to do with the each other, and yet they are both in my head rattling around. Anyone who ever tells me I'm empty headed needs to get in there and have a look. Pretty sure I've got thoughts in there from before I existed, maybe I should stop typing and go and have a look..............................................

Catch yas

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