Sunday, February 3, 2013

Easy Peel!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!

So I'm opening up some bacon on the weekend, via the easy peel option. Who the hell thought up this brilliant marketing strategy, I'd like to give them a kick in the teeth. Supposed to peel nice and easily and then we just press it back down to reseal, HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I stuck my finger nail under the flap, that was minuscule, flick flick, stuck another one under to try and split it. Still nothing. Grabbed a knife and slid it under, anything that is easy to peel should not require a knife to open, still no joy so grabbed the scissors and just cut the damn thing open. According to the directions, you just peel back and reseal, simple. Sounds like any fool could do it, well not me. I think I must get every faulty easy peel every time I buy something, cause they always end up getting opened with scissors and then shoved into a sealed container, cause it won't even reseal with staples. I'm pretty sure I can reseal it with a nail gun, but that might be a little bit extreme. 

Same with the packaging that says 'Tear Here'. I try to tear there, nothing happens, it won't tear. Even if I cut across the line with scissors it still won't happen, so I have to cut under the line. I've spent a lot of time picking up stray cat food when I've gotten so frustrated with the damn thing I turn into the Hulk and just rip it. Of course then I have to pick it all up and put it in a sealed container cause the bag is now ripped to shreds and no way can it be reused. 

Childproof caps, should say adult proof, they are stupid, can't get those damn things open either. When it's finally opened after much swearing, straining I finally grab a strange child of the street and they have it opened in 2 seconds then I empty my vitamins into a bottle that doesn't have a childproof cap on it, just so I can get it open without too much effort. I've got prescription drugs that come in foil, so that any 1 yr old could get at them, yet my vitamins are human proof. I'm lucky I don't have arthritis or rheumatism no way could I get them open then. Would have to resort to the chain saw. 

Then there's the ring pull thingie on long life milk. You squeeze it to get a grip rip up the tab, and get sprayed with milk. I reckon that half the milk goes over me, the floor and the bench as soon as I open it. So I'm paying double for my milk. Makes me think of the juice boxes, your squeezing the box to hold it still while pushing the straw in and whoosh, it all sprays out the straw. I don't have many juice boxes these days, my kids are too old LOL. My mum did buy these plastic covers for them, they were fantastic, box slides into the hard plastic case so your squeezing that rather than the soft sides. 

It seems to me that the simple things we all enjoy are just getting more and more complicated. So stock up on nail guns, duct tape, superglue, chainsaws and axes. Put them away in the kitchen instead of the shed, it will save you going out in the dark when you open some ham. 

Catch yas

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