Saturday, January 5, 2013

When did that happen....

When did I stop loving the heat? I grew up with a swimming pool in the backyard, yet we spent most of time hanging around at the creek or the local swimming pool. We'd take train trips down to the beach with friends, and not come home till it got dark. I'd walk for miles to go for a swim in the creek then back home again in the heat without thinking about it. Sure we'd say it was hot, but we didn't care. Now I toss and turn all night while the fan does its feeble best to cool me down long enough for me to get some sleep. Oh did I mention I don't have air conditioning. Rental house here not going to pay to put it in so someone else can benefit. I do however, have a portable AC that hangs around in the lounge room. I'm thinking of moving it into my room. 

It's not the sort that will cool the whole house, it does have one of those thermostat things that is supposed to shut it down when it reaches the temp selected, hasn't shut down once. It's not powerful enough to cool the whole house, but it is good enough to cool the house to a bearable temp and that's good enough. Every time I rolled over last night, I missed the cooling breeze from the fan on my face, so I've woken up this morning with a crick in my neck from sleeping on one side all night. I lay there before being forced to get up to pee, enjoying the breeze and contemplated staying there forever. I'm thinking of picking up another fan for the other side of the bed, so I can be blasted with the breeze from all angles. Probably something I'm not supposed to do, but if it means I can sleep I'll do it. I'm lucky that there is only my body in my bed, don't think I could handle the heat radiating from another. 

I long for the cooler months, while others whine about how it's so cold, I'm revelling in getting outside and mowing the lawn or doing some gardening. Right now my grass and weeds are just getting taller and taking hold. I looked at the grass this morning, and thought right get it done, before I'd even gotten my joggers on I was sweating so it can wait. I don't care that all my neighbours lawns are nicely mowed and whipper snipped. My yard can be a mess for the Summer, I swear I'll get to it when Autumn hits. I did water the flowers and refill the birdbath yesterday, so it's not completely neglected. Maybe I should think about paying someone to do it for me, maybe I should wait till I'm caught up on the Christmas bills, and by that time it will be cooler and I'll just do it myself. 

We lived in a house with a pool after my husband died. I'd be mowing the lawn and just pause while I dived in to cool down, the lawn wasn't anywhere near as big as this one. My backyard is so big you could fit another house in. It's all terraced and covered with absolute rubbish plants. Takes all day to get it done, but if it was all level it would be done in an hour. The front isn't as big but there is this slope at the side, I get the mower down and then it's a war to get it back to the top. I know I shouldn't whine about the size of the yard, how lucky I am to even have one, blah blah, but when I think of summer and having to mow it, I break out in hives. I have nightmares about sweating so much while mowing I collapse and no one knows I'm out there somewhere lying in the middle of an uncut lawn. the grass would just grow up higher and no one would see me. My body would mummify and I'd become an urban legend, The Mummy in the Backyard. Ooooo spooky. 

So today, Sunday, a good day for mowing, I'll instead sit in my hot house trying to get cool as the AC does it's best. Then tonight I'll lie in bed tossing and turning trying to sleep, and waiting for Autumn when I can emerge like a butterfly and do some gardening and mowing. 

Catch yas

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