Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Meaning of Life

Holding my beautiful grand daughter in my arms as I chatted to my 2 wonderful daughters, I realised that I knew the meaning of life. So throw away all those books, stop paying big money to listen to some joker try to tell you what the meaning of life is, cause I know the secret. I'll tell it to you for free cause that's the sort of person I am.

Okay, hold onto your hats, make sure your sitting down, cause this is the big revelation.... hope your all ready for it. The Meaning of Life, as figured out by me, is quite simply life. There is no expensive answer there is no book that can tell you this. It's as plain as the nose on your face, it is simply life. Nothing more and nothing less.

We wake up in the morning and go about our day, we all do different things, we have contact with different people, we all have different jobs and homes, the one thing we have in common is that we are all living our lives. Having a life, so to speak. I'm not talking about having babies, and giving them life, or raising them to have a good life, I'm talking about living our lives, plain and simple (sorry have to keep saying that cause it is).

We all have worries, we all have troubles, yours are not great than mine (at least not to me) and mine are not greater than yours. We all have our good times, and we all celebrate life, so why not just get out there and live it. Open yourself up to the meaning of life by living it, get out and get a life. Don't shut yourself inside somewhere wondering why everyone else has a better life, or bother with pondering what the meaning of life is, do something with your life, make the changes you want to make in your life, cause nobody else can do that for you.

Stand up and be counted, leave your mark on the world, it doesn't have to be something major or memorable. If you live your life to the fullest, you will be remembered. If not by a family (if your alone) but by your friends and co workers. Don't be the person who ends up bitter and alone, and totally forgotten. Don't be one of these sad people who blame everyone else for their problems, or are jealous of everyone else, take control, accept your life and live it the best you can.

You don't need to be a millionaire, or a movie star, you don't need to be famous at all. John Doe down the road, is living his life, and you can too.

So think on this my friends, remember my words and decide for yourselves if you agree with me. There are so many sayings in the world, like life goes on, get a life and others, and they are true, life does go on, even after we are gone. It may not feel like your life will go on, especially after losing a loved one, but (and I speak from experience) it really does. Sure it's hard, but seriously, what in life is easy? I struggle to get out of bed in the morning, but once I'm up I'm up, breathing and getting on with it. I'm not saying I'm a ray of sunshine, the thought of that makes me gag, but I'm not giving up I know I'm in control and I'm living my life.

I'm sharing my life with those I love, and they are sharing their lives with me, the good times and the bad, it's all a part of life.

That's my ponderings for tonight,
catch ya

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