Saturday, May 27, 2017

Life in the Twilight Zone - Ummm What

So the other day I had a totally bizarre convo with Mum, well most of our convos are bizarre these days, but this one had me stumped. 

Mum:  "So how's Dale doing at school?"
Me:     "He doesn't go to school."
Mum:  "What? Is he being truant?"
Me:     "No." 

I was driving when we had this convo so I was trying to concentrate on that and not run us off the side of a cliff, or into a tree.

Mum: "Oh no, he didn't leave early did he? Surely he's not old enough."
Me:    "He's 26 Mum, so yeh he's old enough."
Mum: "What? How can he be that old already?"
Me:     "Well he had these things called birthdays Mum, and well he was born in 1991."
Mum:  "That's impossible, that much time can't have gone past"
Me"     "Well sorry but yeh it has."
Mum:  "But he moved with his father to Queensland, seems like only yesterday."

At this point I realised, thankfully she wasn't talking about Dale, she was talking about Jayden, my grandson.

Me:   "Oh, you're talking about Jayden."
Mum: "That's who I said, Dale."
Me:    "You just said Dale again Mum."
Mum:  "Rubbish, I know what I'm saying."

At that stage she started to sulk, while I drove along rolling my eyes LOL.

Oh and the allowance thingie I talked about last blog, well yeh that's changed. She went great for a week, second week, she'd spent her full allowance in one day. 

Me:  "Mum, what did you spend the money on."
Mum: "Well I had coffee and got the paper."
Me:   "Good, I'm glad, but that didn't cost $70."
Mum: "I bought some other stuff."
Me:   "What else did you buy Mum? You certainly didn't need anything because we went shopping on Saturday, and on Sunday you spent the whole of your allowance."
Mum: "Why would I spend that much money in one day?"
Me:  "That's what I'm asking Mum."
Mum:  "Your brother must of taken it, or you forgot to give it to me."

She has a habit of blaming Andrew for all sorts of things, he doesn't care, he ignores it all LOL. She once told me he'd sold her blower vac, I'd asked her if she'd checked the shed, and she had said, no he won't let me in there. I asked Andrew for the vac, and he got it straight out of the shed LOL. Oh and he apparently also sold her mower, sitting at my place cause I'd borrowed it, her garden shears, sitting in the cupboard where she'd left them, and numerous other things, which have all since been located, oh and her broken ladder, which is a scream cause hey it's broken, and again at my place LOL. 

So she did this for 2 weeks, and now I've decided to withhold, I leave her with $20 in her wallet, and she thinks that's all she has for the week. Magically more will appear during the week LOL, But she is not wasting her money left right and centre. I was limiting her spending to get a load of firewood for her, that's now done, and she's still in the black in her account, the next big bill which will come in will be the car rego, and after that I plan on saving for her to get a new dryer. Normally she'd have nothing, and be at the full overdraft limit, and not remember what she spent any of it on. Now I have the control over it all, she has credit for the first time in years. And yet she is unaware of it LOL, but that's a good thing, if she understood it all, she'd be over at the bank getting her money LOL. 

Oh and that's another thing, the firewood. I went around to pop some more money in her wallet, and let her know when we were going shopping, told her about the firewood and the great bargain I got for her, and what did she say? If you're thinking thanks, you'd be wrong. She proceeded to whine about how cold her house was, how the washing couldn't get dry, how she was so tired and bored. I reiterated the fact I'd organised the firewood, and she reiterated all her whining. I understand this is hard for her, so I just quietly listened but on the inside, I was screaming. 

Anyway enough from me for now, got a shitload of yard work to get done, yes yard work, and I hate it LOL. 

Catch yas

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