Thursday, May 17, 2012

The things we do for.....

our children!

I'm declaring myself the bravest mother in the world, okay I'm sure this will seem like something everyday to some, but not for me. I've always stood firm on the pets the kids could have. No spiders and no snakes, absolutely NO!!!!!!! So when my 20 yr old son asked if he could get a snake it was no no no, he wore me down the shit. So we now have Reggie living with us. He's a baby kids spotted python, completely harmless, but ewwwwwww. Every time I see him shivers run up and down my spine. My son looks after him really well, fixed up a great tank for him, and he's in the spare room, nowhere near me.

Gradually things have changed, I don't cringe when he's out of his tank wrapped around my sons wrist as he tries to freak me out, although that could be more from a certain stubborn streak that won't allow me to show fear LOL. I am the one turning on the uv and heat lamps, strange how that always happens no matter what pet your kids get, you end up doing all the work. I am standing firm and won't feed him, but tonight I went in to turn off the lamps, and noticed he was curled up in his dry water bowl. So being the caring soul that I am, I messaged my son and told him so he could fill it when he got home. He sends a message back, just put some water out of the bottle in for him. Ummmmm hello, do you know this is your mother your asking? You know I'm the big cringer, the one who didn't want a snake in the house? Remember me, terrified?

Well obviously he didn't, or maybe all my non cringing is working and he thinks I'm braver than I am, dammit that back fired. So, I stood there looking at the tank, looking at the lid, looking at the snake, nope still cringing. Okay, so how do I open the lid without the snake running up my arm and wrapping itself around my neck and choking me. Good grief, get a grip he's a baby, that's not going to happen. The cat chose that moment to check out what I was doing, and why I wasn't sitting on the couch and providing her with a warm lap. She brushed against my leg, and I jumped. Stupid cat. Okay, lets look again, okay, if I lift that bit, I have to stretch my arm in too far, but maybe if I slide the whole lid along I can pour the water in from a great height and voila I'll be safe. But, what if I slide it along and the snake leaps out, bloody hell, being stupid again, Reggie does not leap, he spends most of his life asleep.

So I girded my loins (yep that's what I'm saying), stood on the esky (it's a spare room people has all sorts of crap in there geesh), slid the lid over then poured. Then I leapt to the floor slid the lid back and took a deep breath while waiting for my heart to slow down. Only then did I notice the snake was no longer in the water dish, I looked at my arm, no snake there, I looked at the fake bush, no snake. No snake scaling the glass walls either, oh wait there he is, hiding under his fake rock, phewwww. Safe.

Now, it's not that I don't trust myself, but I've been back in there about 10 times since then to make sure I did put the lid on properly LOL. So there you have it folks, the bravest mother in the world.

Any of you who have snakes or spiders as pets will I'm sure think I'm not brave at all. It would just be an everyday event for you, forgive me, I'm just going to bask in my own ego for a while and pretend I'm the bravest mother in the world.

This begs the question, is there any pet that you would say NO!!!!! to your kids and then find you've given in later?

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