Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Pay Back Says You

I'm not often serious when writing my blog, it's a way for me to let off steam, usually at the expense of my poor Mum. But also a way to deal with the harsh reality of having an aging parent with Alzheimers. I'll sometimes have a rant, and bitch about something, but usually try and keep it light. Not this time, this time I'm fucking over it. 

After the recent terrorist attack by an Australian fucker in New Zealand, I've been absolutely disgusted with the crap I've been reading on line. Instead of the outpourings of sympathy that I've expected from so many on Facebook, I'm seeing posts talking about pay back, and 'Oh well if it's good enough for them to do it....' What the actual fuck people!!! No wonder the world is such a fucked up place, when idiots are sharing posts or commenting on posts casting blame on the victims. The dead victims, the dead men, the dead women and the dead children. Not the actual person who is to blame, the dead, the victims still in hospital, the families who have lost a loved one, or more, those who's lives are changed forever, the community, the government, they are blaming everyone but the actual fucker himself. Giving him exactly what he wants. 

Before anyone starts going on but what about the terrorist attack in Bali, what about 911, or the Philippines (just to name a few), sorry but what about them. They were horrendous acts of terror committed by people of no faith, people with no conscience, people who just don't fucking care. You can say but they were Muslims, but they weren't, not real Muslims that is. Just like the white domestic terrorists, don't represent all white people, the Muslim terrorists are not representing all Muslims. Any act of terror is despicable, it should not happen, doesn't matter who commits the act, it should not happen. But to turn around and start blaming the victims, is as bad as walking armed into a Mosque or Church and shooting. It's as bad as hijacking a plane and flying it into the World Trade Centre. It's as bad as going to a tourist spot and killing 35 people, and it's as bad as a bomb attack against holiday makers. 

We constantly hear stories about someone who was beaten up or raped, and how horrible it is when they are blamed. How if you take your rapist to court you are subject to intense scrutiny and your life is ripped apart by the defence attorney. We tell people to report crimes, and yet we turn around and blame the prostitute who is claiming rape, because she's a hooker. We blame the men who go out and get drunk for being attacked, king hit by someone who doesn't even know them. Some man hits his wife or girlfriend, 'why doesn't she leave him, she could just walk out'. No wonder this world is fucked.

Here's the thing, take it or leave it, I don't care. As humans regardless of race or religion, we have to stop blaming the victims. We have to stop with the bullshit childish behaviour 'But he hurt me' or the 'They started it.'. We have to be adult humans, we have to stand up and say, just fucking stop. When someone sends you a video or shares it on social media, and it depicts violence, report and delete. When you read comments from someone that sounds threatening to others, report it, not just on line, call the cops. Take a fucking stand and say no more. No longer will I stand back and let victims be blamed. If you adhere to the bible, isn't there something about loving your neighbour, well guess what folks, we are all neighbours, our skin colour or religion doesn't make a difference. We all still wake up in the morning and go to work, we all still take kids to school, and we all still love our families. 

We all know evil exists. Serial killers walk amongst us, KKK members are everywhere, religious extremists spread their hate and the sheep follow them. Back in the old days, pilgrims were driven out of their country,  witches were burnt at the stake, jews were sent into gas chambers, native peoples the world over were slaughtered for their land, none of this was right, and we know that. If we can know that these atrocities were wrong why can we not see the truth now. Why must we continue to blame the victims? 

My love goes across the sea to our sisters and brothers in New Zealand, regardless of your religion or skin colour. You have my love and sympathy. 

Catch yas

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