I'm going to weigh in on the "Gun Control" debate cause I'm sick and tired of seeing the bullshit in the US media, and all over Facebook.
A school gets shot up, students die, and what happens? People start pushing for Gun Control, as you would expect. The surviving students themselves, are pushing for Gun Control, as you would also expect. And yet thousands of Americans are suddenly up in arms over the idea of Gun Control. They say the students are paid actors, that they won't give up their Second Amendment rights, they tell stories about how if there is Gun Control, they will lose all their freedoms, that this is the first step into all rights being stripped from them, and they will no longer be free. Firstly, bullshit, secondly, wtf. Children died, again, and here you are whining about not being able to keep your AR 15, or the fact that you would be stopped from purchasing one. And you're whining about the age you should be allowed to purchase a gun, and the fact that they want better checks done before you're allowed to purchase a firearm? Seriously? This is what you whine about?
Gun Control, has nothing to do with stripping rights, it's about stopping the ease with which anybody can purchase a gun, and stopping them from purchasing guns that are not necessary. What would you need it for? If it's for a gun collection, then have it disabled, and shove it in your gun cabinet. But before you get it, go through the checks, anyone who cares about children, would be happy to do so. Stop telling everyone how you have trained your children to respect guns and to use them, seriously that means jack shit. You have no idea what your child goes through each day, just because you believe they are okay, doesn't mean they are, doesn't mean you are either.
Stop using Jews and Hitler as a reason to keep your guns and purchase as many as you want. Firstly, he wasn't voted into power, he was selected as Chancellor, not by any votes, and that paved the way to a dictatorship. Jews did not give up their rights, they were taken away by a mad man. Many escaped, many more didn't. What Hitler did was horrific, and no one wants a repeat of it. Many of the same people now going on about their Second Amendment rights have also believed that the Holocaust never happened, so stop using it. No one in the whole world believed that Hitler would actually do what he did, so why should the Jewish people have believed it would happen either.
But the main thing to me and 99% of the world, is why the hell are you all questioning the need for Gun Control? Children are dying, at a place that should be safe for them. They go to school and should come back home, but they don't. And they don't because some fucker gets it into his/her head to get a gun and shoot up a school. You can go on and on about how the kid was bullied and that needs to be addressed, and yes bullying is an issue that needs to be addressed, but don't take an act of domestic terrorism and turn it into a war against the victims. Every time one of you puts shit on one of the students who is speaking out, or posts memes showing them as idiots, you are showing that you are in fact a bully. You are showing your lack of caring. Putting guns into the hands of teachers, who don't want them, is not caring, it's not a solution. Teaching children how to safely handle guns, is not a solution. Taking the issue of Gun Control serious is a step in the right direction. No one is going to take all your guns away, so stop with the childish behaviour. Act like the adults you claim to be, and really look at the problem, think of real solutions, be proactive about something that is fucking real.
Stop blaming each other for the problems, stop showing your children that you are nothing but a child yourself with your words and actions. Actually teach them something worthwhile. Stop changing the words Gun Control to taking away our rights and guns, cause that's not what it means at all. All the Gun Control peeps want is to make it harder to get guns, to stop just anyone from being able to buy as many as they want and whatever they want, which results in less children dying. Sure anyone intent on getting one still can if they try hard enough or pay enough, but it won't be easy for them. The only thing you will lose is the ability to buy a gun that you don't fucking need to feel protected, or for hunting. Stop letting the media stir you up, they are paid to do just that, stop justifying your reason for having a gun, we don't care if you have one and we don't want it for ourselves, stand up be counted as one of the many who actually care about your fucking country and it's future.
Catch yas
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