Friday, June 23, 2017

Get a Freaking Clue

In this day and age, finding information is so quick and easy. You can access alot or a little depending on what you are searching for. You can also get fact or fiction, and the people who believe the fiction and do not do enough research are the reason for this blog. 

You all need to get a freaking clue. It's that fucking simple. Don't hop online type a question into google and believe the first thing you read. Read more! Do actual research on the topic. If it's something written by some random stranger who has never been recognised as a scientist, doctor or an expert in their field, then guess what, they aren't. They are John or Jane Citizen. They are voicing their own ill conceived views that have been collected from other people who also don't have a clue. I admit to being someone without any higher schooling or someone who has worked in a specialised field, I'm Jane Citizen, nobody. But I can get online and write my opinion on something and someone could believe it. 

Of course it would have to be something so out there it's freaking crazy but someone, somewhere would believe it. One day, a person, much like you or I decided to get online and start promoting against vaccinations. A few people read it, and believed it because hey why would they lie. They say that they have experienced it themselves, and oh look at the picture of their cute little healthy family, living the good life and they haven't been vaccinated, oh and look they shared a picture of a friends family, and they have 2 autistic kids and they have been vaccinated. The brains churn with this info and instantly, the reader has a cause. They think to themselves, well it must be true, look at all these facts, there's a quote from a doctor here. Seriously people get a freaking clue. I could build an online profile saying that I'm a doctor and who would step up (apart from my family and friends who all hate me LOL) and say I was lying? Instead of reading this misinformation from John or Jane Citizen, do your fucking research. Speak to doctors yourself, your own doctor, a real fucking doctor. Look up facts online, from reputable scientists, and they will tell you, getting your child vaccinated does not cause autism. Your child is born autistic, and that's a damn fact. It's not a disease, it's not something you can catch at school, you are born autistic. 

Sure there are some children who have severe reactions. And there are others who cannot for medical reasons get vaccinated. But, that does not give you the right to expose your unvaccinated germ of a child to a newborn who hasn't had the chance to get vaccinations to chicken pox or measles etc. Get this into your head. It's a proven fact that these mild childhood diseases can and have killed. Don't get on your high horse and say it's your right to choose to not vaccinate, without having the common sense to realise that you do not have the right to expose other children or adults to the diseases your children may have. A simple way to help with the reactions, is to ask your doctor to give the shots separately. Don't go and get all of them at once. Space it out, but wait that makes sense, well at least it does to me, so it must be bullshit. I was asked if I wanted to do that with my son, I chose not to and apart from a temp he was fine. Same with my girls, although I wasn't asked for them. And not one of my kids is autistic. I was vaccinated, and I'm reasonably fine (apart from the mental issues my family keeps alluding too LOL). 

The next point I want to make is about the proven hoax regarding abortion clinics selling body parts of babies. Ummm, okay. Some idiots filmed a fake expose, got caught, and admitted it was all a lie, and got charged and sued. But if you actually researched you would find that info easy enough. Instead John or Jane Citizen get online and decry the right of women to choose because we all know they sell the baby body parts, it was on the net right, must be true. And my taxes are paying for it. Despite the fact it's proven that this is not the case, and even the government admits the funding does not cover abortions, it must be true cause I read it online. 

And then there's Sharia Law. Seriously this one gets me every single time. There is no Sharia Law in any western country, and you know why? We are democracies, the government cannot suddenly decide that it's okay without listening to the people. And unless your government is suddenly taken over by extreme Muslims, it's not going to fucking happen. Okay now you might be thinking, if we let Muslims in they will demand it as a right and it will be enforced, we can't let that happen. What the hell makes you think normal Muslims want it? Have you sat down and chatted to them? Have they passed out flyers saying vote for Sharia Law? Yeh, didn't think so. I don't want it, no one I know does, and that includes the Muslims I know. Just because someone posts a meme saying that it's about to become law, does not make it so. I make memes alot, I enjoy it, doesn't make what I say on them true, in fact they are all made as jokes. They aren't based on facts or figures, they are fun. 

Now, I'm not saying that we should just go ahead and let anyone into our country without vetting. I have no problem at all with taking immigrants off the streets and deporting them if they attack anyone in my country. And I don't have a problem with deporting them even if they say they will be killed if they go back to their homeland, I would not lose any sleep over them at all. 

Another method of research, is the library, remember the library? Big place with lots of books and dust. Usually watched over by a stern spinster who constantly shushed you LOL. 

Catch yas

Sunday, June 18, 2017

That Time of Year Again

I hate this time of year. Not because it's Winter, because I love Winter. Not because it's almost tax time, I never have to pay extra so that's a good thing. Not because it's the middle of yet another year, and it's raced past. Nope this is the time of year, in fact in 3 days, that I lost my love. For those of you who know me, you know that this happened back on the 21st June 1993, so quite some time ago. A day doesn't go past that I haven't thought of Don in the last 24 years. It's easier of course, the first year is always the hardest as everyone says, but it still fucking sucks. 

He has missed out on so much, our kids growing up, our daughters getting married and having children. Our son maturing into a wonderful young man, celebrating his anniversary with his much loved girlfriend this weekend. His boys are so much older now, well yeh of course they are, we all are. The world is a different place. So many new inventions, so many medical breakthroughs, so many others who we have loved have now joined him, living only in our hearts and minds. And of course he has been missed. 

I don't dwell on what could of been. I learnt a long time ago that that is pointless and heartbreaking. I do wonder what he would make of our lives now. One thing I am sure of is that he would be so proud of his children and grandchildren. Even after all these years I can still remember in detail the call from the hospital, the drive over there, and the heartbreak that followed. I remember the next day and the day after, I remember it all. And at this time of year it all comes back. The lead up memories until the culmination on the 21st. That is always the hardest day. 

Each day I get up and get dressed, just like the day before and the same as I will tomorrow. I live on, I deal, I have to and I will continue to do so. Don is in my heart, he is in my soul, and always will be. 

Because this is the time of year I am most depressed I find it harder to deal with Mum. But deal with Mum I must. We went shopping today because I worked Saturday, and every time we were at a checkout, she complained about her daughter not letting her do something or other. Normally I would of just made a joke of it, but this time of year, it hurts. I know that once I'm passed this, it will get back to normal (not that anything is normal anymore) but today it hurts. Telling Mum today that operating her 2 button dryer is easy, and that I wrote instructions for both the dryer and washing machine down for her, wasn't frustrating, it wasn't even something I could work up a joke over, it was just depressing. Trying to drum up a laugh at her stories, or memories that are just total bullshit was just to hard. I didn't argue with her, I didn't talk much at all. I just locked myself in my head. 

Some days all I want to do is just curl up in a corner and do nothing. It's all just too fucking hard. Mum will talk about going for a drive, something I know she loves to do, and I do enjoy driving, but the thought of listening to her at the moment is just to damn much, I need this time of year to be quiet. I don't need drama, I don't need to be reminded that my once vital mother, who loved working, patchwork, shopping and visiting friends is no more. So yeh, locked in my head all day. In one way I'm glad I'm working this week, there's less time to think, less time to pretend to myself that I feel okay. I'll just fake it and no one will know. 

Sorry this is not my usual upbeat blog guys, but this is my current reality. 

Catch yas