Sunday, January 1, 2017

My One and Only New Years Resolution

It's all well and good, people going on about how they are going to do this and that, become better people and help others as their New Year resolutions. But all you need to do is read a thread on Facebook to see how much hate there is in the world and then you realise a lot of it is coming from these same people saying how great they are going to become. 

One simple comment can set off a vicious attack on someone that isn't even known to their attacker. People get up on their soapboxes and spew their sick words and there are others who lap it all up. The name calling is atrocious, the constant line 'freedom of speech' pisses me off. Sure you have that right but seriously, grow the fuck up and act like an adult. There is no need to attack someone over a simple comment of how they agree or disagree with the post. If you disagree then say so, it's simple all you need to do is say 'no, I don't agree with you.' and that's it. No need to go on about someone being a 'muslim, racist, terrorist, liberal, baby killer, retard or redneck'. You don't even need to comment, wait what, you don't need to actually comment? Nope you don't. Read it and move on, or better yet don't read it, cause most of them are total bullshit anyway. 

By acting like a child you are nothing but a bully. We have enough of those in the world already thanks. 

With the recent election in the States, the rest of the world has been subjected to it all whether we wanted to be or not. The total fabrications that people posted and swore was true was completely laughable to those of us who actually use their brain for something other than vitriol. Blaming the media is ridiculous, the media print what people want to read, they have lied from the moment they realised they were a business and had to make a profit. A happy story about a dog reuniting with it's owner on the front page, does not sell newspapers. The obvious headlines that grab the attention are the ones that are filled with hate. I am constantly surprised that there are actually people in the world that believe the crap they print. 

It's the same people that believe politicians are always honest, hello people, they want your fucking vote, they lie to get it. The make promises they cannot possibly keep, and it's only after they are voted in that the John Q Citizen seems to suddenly realise they were lying all along. Wait? What's that you say? A politician lied? Fuck yes they did, they've been doing it since politics began it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it LOL. 

The newsreader you love? Well they get paid for what they say whether it's the truth or not. They get told what to say, and on the rare occasions they are actually speaking for themselves they are usually doing it just to get attention and have their 5 minutes of fame. 

Put people online and they become completely different animals. Oh and as a side note, please don't think I'm talking about everyone, I know the difference between one person and another (had to add that after seeing so much about 'all muslims or all whites and all blacks') I realise there are actually fantastic people of all cultures and religions in the world. But for some once that computer is turned on, or the internet accessed on a phone, the world is open and they can spread their hate. 

Every single thing that someone has posted or done is there, that doesn't make it real. I can go onto Wikipedia and post something that is a total fabrication, make someone up and of course it would be an incredible story about how heroic they were or something like that, but you know what, it wouldn't be real. There is an option to edit and add, so I take that to mean anyone can go on there and say whatever they like. And once that happens there is more bullshit online that people will be quoting and saying is real. I can post a picture and say it's me, and only my family and friends would know it isn't. The fact is that you never know what is real or isn't. 

How many magazines are there in the world that are being proved to be publishing fake stories, hundreds of them. The difference between that and the internet though, is that you actually have to purchase the magazine and read it first lol. 

The internet is a wonderful thing, without it I couldn't blog, I couldn't keep in contact with friends around the world for next to nothing, and I wouldn't of had the chance to become friends with them. I wouldn't be able to see all those cute puppy and cat videos, all the hilarious memes, and I couldn't of studied at home with as much ease as I did. All of the positives though come with all the negatives as well. We just need to realise that just because someone says it's real doesn't make is so. The internet does not always give us the complete truth. The same people who lie to us in real life, lie to us online, it's just that online they can hide better. 

So for 2017 I'd like to see more puppies and kittens gambolling, more goats laughing, more babies giggling and more positives. Lets leave the hate back in 2016. I wish that I was naive enough to believe that will happen, but I'm not, so instead I resolve to read less of the hate, and watch more of the cute stuff. I'm pretty sure that unlike any previous resolutions I'll be able to keep this one :)

Catch yas

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