Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's a Rainbow Celebration

I'm sure everyone has heard by now, and if not get online, grab a paper, turn on the radio or watch the news, this has been a huge day for equality and fairness. Even if it was just in the USA it feels like a world wide celebration. Finally, regardless of your gender, you can now marry a person of the same gender in the USA as per the Supreme Court ruling. To be honest, I don't see why it was up the Supreme Court to make the ruling, but that could be because I see this as every humans right and it should never of come to this. 

Man or woman you have the right, as a consenting adult (with a partner also a consenting adult) to choose who you wish to spend the rest of your life with. No government or religion should be able to tell you that you can't or that you will be damned if you do. It is an unassailable right for us all to choose who we wish to marry. And lets face it, we aren't going to go into the marriage blindly, regardless of heterosexuality or not. This is not a step we take lightly and it is not a step our gay friends will take lightly. They are not all going to rush out and get hitched just because they can. The ones getting married now have been waiting for this moment for years, everyone else will do just what us heteros do, wait for the one they wish to spend the rest of their lives with and then get married if they choose. That's the thing though isn't it, 'if they choose'. They will finally have that choice, the same choice I've had my whole life, the same choice, you've had your whole life. How would you feel if that choice was taken from you? If suddenly the government started telling you you couldn't marry the man/woman of your choice, because it was wrong? You would feel like absolute shit! You would march and wave flags, burn effigies in the street, start petitions, educate your neighbours and friends, and you would demand your right as a human to marry the person you have chosen as a legal consenting adult. 

That is all that gay people have wanted for years, and now in the USA they have been given that right, while in Australia we have an idiot Prime Minister who doesn't personally like gay people and thinks that woman should stay home and tend to the hard working man while raising children alone. Oh sure, he says he has nothing against gays, but when it comes to marriage equality, nope he doesn't believe in it. This is not something that he should have the power to stop. We need to stand up for our fellow Aussies rights to marry the person of their choice. I've done the whole changed my profile pic on Facebook thing, and even on my blog here I've changed the background to the closest thing I could find to a rainbow lol, and I will stand up for the rights of my friends and fellow Aussies to marry the one they love. 

This is not something that should be fought about in church or parliament, this is a right for us all in this a democratic nation. And as such should not even be given any discussion time, it should just be done. 

I've seen all the love pouring out on Facebook today, but I've also seen the hate posts. I have of course blocked all of those as I always do, it's my right to decline to see them, just as it is your right to post them. And that's the big thing, it is our right, that's the one thing that all the haters can't seem to get their heads around. It is a right, it's a choice, and it's not your right to dictate to me who I can marry. You can suggest I don't marry someone, you can turn your back on me, you can disown me, but you don't have the right to stop me. 

I don't believe that this will cause God to turn his back on America, like some have said, cause if all the crap that's gone on over there in the name of God hasn't already done it, then nothing will. So lets just all let everyone live their lives with the person they love, which is really what it's all about. Heteros are not the only people in the world who fall in love, and that's really what it's about, choosing who we love, there is no gay marriage or hetero marriage there is just marriage. 

Catch yas

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