Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Surprise surprise

Anyone who is surprised when a politician turns around and changes their mind after being voted in on the promise they have just broken, is a fucking moron in my opinion. 

Do you seriously think this fuckwit is going to be able to keep, or rather want to keep the promises they made? Seriously? They lie and lie continuously (I think they actually go through a special training course) and yet people still manage to be shocked and even go so far as to defend the lie. Wise up, there isn't a politician in the world, not even the universe, who hasn't lied to get what they want. It doesn't matter what party you vote for, they will lie to you. And what the hell do they care, they aren't the ones struggling to make ends meet, they aren't trying to live on air while they watch everything that they worked hard for get auctioned off so they can go and buy some groceries. They aren't the ones trying to keep a roof over their heads, or watching their children struggle along in their hand me downs. Fuck em all. 

I'm not sure about the rest of the world but in Australia, they get voted in, rip us off then get voted out again, only to live the happy life on a huge pension with benefits, and what do they have to do to get all this? Why, just tell the biggest lies they can get away with. I don't care if your telling me you'll put a halt to global warming, or give us a better public transport system, I don't fucking believe you. Unfortunately if I don't vote for one of these bastards I get fined, or if I do go and vote but leave the form blank, my vote of course doesn't get counted. I'm so tired of voting and then waiting for the broken promises to start. 

I know alot of bills have to get voted in, so if the majority says no then that's it, but please don't tell me your going to make my life better and promise to do so, when you know full well you can't unless the rest of the fuckers agree. And they won't!!! Just be honest enough to say you will try to get such and such a bill passed. At least that's honest. 

This is not directed at any particular party or person, they are all exactly the same. What's the alternative? Damned if I know LOL. I do think that they would be more honest if they weren't given all the benefits they get now, but we know they won't ever stop them, because it's the same bastards who get the benefits that vote on whether to lower or do away with them. And seriously if your in politics why would you vote against something that would mean you lose out. 

I don't want them to give me anything amazing, like a house or car, but for goodness sake, stop making my everyday life hard. I want the good free healthcare I was promised, I want to be able to retire and spend time with my family without having to beg or steal to eat and pay for my water, electricity, and heating. I don't want to pay through the damn nose for insurance cause some fucker says I'm old (only I'm allowed to say that LOL), and nor do I want to be told by some fucker who is going to retire on a huge pension that my pension is high enough I don't need more. 

Rant done LOL. 

Catch yas
PS here you go Dad :)

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