Friday, November 15, 2013

So this is .....

54. Yep 54, it's my birthday and I'm 54. Sorry for repeating it but I can't believe it LOL. I don't feel 54, or maybe I do, but never having been 54 before I just don't know it. I still feel ............................................................................ 38, you all thought I was going to say 21, well no that's not possible to feel that young again, not when I have 3 kids and 8 grand kids, and to be honest I don't want to be 21 again anyway. Nothing special with being 21 these days, and while it was fun, that's all it was, fun. 

So I've had another year of marvelling at the stupidity of people who believe that if they vote for someone new then things will change. Another year of dealing with arseholes who believe they are in the right and it doesn't matter what I say I'm wrong. That includes me saying the sky is blue, apparently it isn't LOL. Another year of working to retirement and sleeping in. Another year of being stuck in the same place I've been for years. Another year of laughing at people who post all their drama on face book and are then shocked when others post that they are idiots. Another year of reading American politics posts and all the bitching that goes along with it. Got to admit that is fun, some people get so emotional LOL. Another year of new aches and pains, new hair growths and yet more grey hair. 

But it's also been another year of fun, another year of adding another grandchild to the family. Another year of laughing at my kids as they complain about getting older. Another year of teasing my parents about how old they are. And believe me they are olddddddddddddddd. Another year of having a baby brother and feeling stupid when referring to him as that. Another year of having an older brother, and not feeling at all stupid when referring to him as that LOL. Another year of meeting new people and sharing grandchildren with them. Another year of all the family drama that my middle child must endure, but enjoying the laughing over the whole ridiculous thing. 

All in all, despite the many lows that I have survived through my 54 years, the highs far out weigh them. I've watched my first marriage deteriorate., my second fall after my husband died, I've lived through my children's pain as they have gone through emotional roller coasters and I've had to deal with a mother who is not what she used to be. But I've watched my children grow into wonderful people, and each of them are so different and yet the same. I've watched them get married (well 2 of them), have children (not necessarily in that order), and move forward in their lives. I've laughed with them, I've cried with them, I've lived their lives with them. It has been up and down, and round and round, but oh so much fun. 

We don't live in each others pockets, but we are there for each other and never forget the road that has led us to where we are today. I reckon I can live with 54, it's not a bad number I guess. Not sure how I'll feel at 55, but lets deal with one birthday at a time. 

Catch yas

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