Saturday, June 15, 2013

OMG He's wearing my jumper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No he's not wearing mine LOL. And yes it is a male having a hissy fit over his mate having the same jumper as him, and no it's not my boy having the hissy fit. 

The boy has been buying some new clothes lately, and it's really about time. After all he's bought a car, a motorbike and shitload of games and records, so yeh about time for clothes. So last weekend, he's there in one of his new jumpers and a mate comes over. The mate sees the new jumper and goes "I've got one just like that. Maybe you can take yours back." And folks he was serious. A 21 yr old male saying you can't wear the same clothes as me. Mind you he hasn't worn his jumper yet, just has it, and if the boy had of seen him in it he wouldn't of gotten his or maybe he would of gotten a different colour. Then again knowing the boy as I do, he probably still would of gotten it cause he likes it LOL. Not surprisingly the boy told his mate to fuck off he wasn't changing his jumper, it was just a fucking jumper for fucks sake LOL. 

Started me thinking about fashion, and how you see packs of teenage girls descend on the shops looking for something that's just like a friends, but completely different, preferably better. I don't get it, never have never will. I go shopping, yep that's good, looks fine, it fits, done. It never crosses my mind that someone else might be buying the exact same thing, cause if they did, it would just show that we both have great taste, and it would be hilarious. Guess I'm not built right or something LOL. 

I may be a girl but I avoid pink. I don't have a problem with someone wearing pink, I just prefer not to put it on me. No clue why, I was never dressed in pink all the time while young. In fact my mother went out of her way to avoid it. Maybe it's just cause pink is for girls, and I'm a rebel. Give me a flannie and some track pants with ugg boots or slippers and I'm set. Hmmm wonder if that's why I'm single LOL. My thing, many years ago was shoes. I loved stilettos, still do, but can't wear them anymore, and boots. Still wear the boots, just not the knee highs or ones with really high heels. Working at home means I can wear slippers all day, and who the hell is going to tell me I can't LOL. But when I go out, it's boots, or joggers. If it's hot, thongs or these flat sandals I've got broken in nicely. Funny how I used to have so many different pairs of shoes, and yet now I've got about 5 LOL. 

So if you see someone wearing the same thing as you, take the time to congratulate them on having such good taste. If it looks better on them, still congratulate them, but it's okay to be thinking you fucking bitch LOL. 

Catch yas


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