Gay marriage, it's been in the news a lot lately, especially since New Zealand changed their laws. Personally I don't have and never have had a problem with Peter and Paul getting married, or Joan and Jane walking down the aisle. If this is what they want then who am I to block their way. Unfortunately not everyone has the same view. But isn't this the way of the world? Unequal rights has been going on for years.
We had Negroes with no rights, we had women with no rights and we've had children with no rights. There has been laws created that favour the rich or the one with the biggest guns. If all man is created equal in Gods eyes then everyone should have the same rights. Joe Blow down the road shouldn't be able to tell his neighbours Peter and Paul that they are less than him and therefore can't get married.
As you are probably all aware, I'm not religious at all, sure I was christened, but my kids weren't, does that make me better than them? Of course it doesn't, although I am better than them it has nothing to do with religion LOL. Our Prime Minister stated that she was letting parliament do a conscience vote. Huh, sorry put on your big girl panties and put a bill in front of parliament to vote on. If they are homophobic better the voters know it now before the next election, if they are against gays then what else are they against, women voting. I don't understand why it is such a hard decision to make. Any couple thinking about marriage have to be made aware that it won't be easy, they will fight, they will have to compromise, they will have problems, so why is it that a heterosexual couple can be made aware, but not a homosexual couple?
If they are willing to make the commitment to each other then let them. There should be no procrastination about it. How many heterosexual couples get divorced? Will the divorce rate suddenly jump with homosexuals getting married? If it does, so damn what. I'm divorced from my first husband (waste of air that he is), is that a crime? Absolutely not. I have gay friends who have been committed to each other for years, they should be allowed to legalise it, just like anyone else, and if they made a mistake, then they can do what the rest of us do and get a divorce. Just because they are gay does not mean that they will jump at divorce after 2 months, like a lot of heterosexual couples.
Times have changed, Negroes can get on the bus, woman can vote so let homosexuals marry, after all why should only heterosexuals put up with the crap that goes with it LOL.
Catch yas
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