Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's the end of the World as we know it, oh wait a minute no it's not.

Is anyone out there really surprised? Why anyone would believe that a dead race could predict the future, but couldn't save themselves is beyond me. It really was just a big joke and a lot of fun. 

You have the questions, is it the Mayan time zone? Does it take into account daylight savings? What should I pack for the end of the world? Should I pay those bills? Should I get milk and bread? Did I turn the gas off? Should I go to work? All these questions and more fire out at us in the last few minutes before the end of the world. Then it doesn't happen, and back to normal, with a little bit of disappointment. 

I heard that there was people who were actually packing up and heading out of the city, ummmm what part of End of the World don't you morons get. It won't matter where you are, the world ends all over not just in certain areas. To most of us it was all a bit of fun. End of the world parties, the end of the world didn't happen parties, we are still alive parties, screw you Mayans parties, any excuse for us all to get together and have a few. I reckon the poor Mayan doing the calendar probably got writers cramp and had to stop to rest, then he went off to the pub for a few and forgot were he left the rock tablet. They probably all had a good laugh over it at the time thinking about how some idiots were going to predict the end of the world cause they ended their calendar LOL. 

Lets face it, if the end of the world happens, it happens, nothing we can do about it, it would be over in seconds and there'd be no one to bear witness, so instead of trying to predict it, we should all just concentrate on enjoying it while it's still here. I remember watching a special on Nostradamus and all his predictions, predicting war in the Middle East, there is always a war in the Middle East so that wasn't anything exciting. The interpretations of his predictions were such that another interpretation could be made depending on who was reading his writings. Then again it could all of just been a bunch of random words from a senile old man. He could also of been a comedian and just done it all so that in the future everyone would be talking about him and he would be laughing in the after life. 

So as one more prediction of the End of the World fades away, we can all start preparing for the next. Of course we'll need to get over our hangovers from all those parties we just had, but hey once that happens we can start preparing. I personally will be attending the next round of parties that will no doubt pre and post date the next End of the World. I might even write another blog about it. 

In the meantime I should start on my list of what to pack
Catch yas

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