Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It's Our Choice

Very soon, Australians are going to be asked to basically vote on whether or not gay men and women will be allowed to marry under the Marriage Act. Our Government is to afraid to make the decision themselves so has decided to hold a plebiscite costing millions of tax payer dollars to say Yes or No. For us to decide whether 2 people who are in love and want to commit to each other should be allowed to have a legal marriage. Rather than simply making the decision themselves at no cost, or having it included in our next Federal Election, the idiots thought "Hey let's waste some money." Yep that's what it is a waste of fucking money. 

Not everyone wants to say yes, fair enough, you don't have to. I've seen people ranting and posting online about how it is the decline of our country and how it will lead to pedophilia and bestiality, how gays are out to destroy God's world. Ummm, okay then, maybe if that's how you think you shouldn't have the right to vote, the males who say it are probably trying to tell their wives what to do and ruing the day women were given the vote. I don't mean that saying no makes you an idiot, I mean that telling everyone that it will lead us down the path of destruction is idiotic. Gay people around the world want the same thing as hetero people. They want to get married and have the rights of all married people given to them. They want to be able to formally marry the one they love. That's all they want. They don't want to marry someone under age, they don't want to marry a pet dog, they want to marry an adult who wants to marry them. 

The only change that will be made to the Marriage Act is the definition of the union of marriage, that currently states between a man and a woman. The legal age to marry will not change, the fact you can't marry your brother or sister will not change, you won't suddenly be able to marry your dog either. We won't see an influx of sex education in schools to include sex between homosexuals, our children won't suddenly be encouraged to put on a dress or pair of pants, this is not the end of civilization people!!!

I'm not gay, have never had any inclination to be gay, but I will be voting Yes. The reason I will be voting Yes, is because I've actually thought about it, for a long time. I have gay friends who would love to be married legally in Australia, and I would love for them to be happy. But that's not why I'm voting Yes. I have grandchildren who may one day tell us they are gay, but that's not why I'm voting Yes. I haven't been pressured into voting Yes. I will be voting Yes because I can't vote any other way and still call myself a decent human being. Who am I to take away someones right to be happy? Who am I to tell consenting adults they don't have the same rights as me? I'm not doing anything that I don't feel I should do. I'm not giving permission for pedophiles or anything else disgusting, I'm saying that I want my neighbour, my friend, to have the same rights as me. I don't want anyone to thank me for my vote, I don't need someone to pat me on the back, I'm doing what I feel is just and fair.

Our world is made up of many different people. We have different skin colours, we speak different languages, our culture is different, our religion is different, but we are all humans. We all have the right to love and be loved regardless of our sexual orientation. I've read so called Christians online declaring that being gay is a sin, who are you to speak for your God? Isn't he the one you say passes down judgment and yet there you are judging. People are either born gay or they aren't, it's that simple. There is no on or off switch, no one gets up in the morning and decides they will be gay today, but not tomorrow. A consenting gay adult is the same as any heterosexual consenting adult. They get up and go to work, just like the rest of us. They go out for dinner with their partner, just like the rest of us. In fact they are us. There shouldn't be an us or them, we are all the same, we love, we laugh, we cry. 

We are all human, we all deserve to be treated the same. If your choice is to vote No, that's your choice. All I would ask is that you think seriously about how you think your life is going to really change if your gay neighbour or coworker gets married. How is it really going to affect you? And be honest, leave off the ranting and raving, really think about it. Do your research if you must, but take a good hard look at why you feel you must say No before you decide and send in your vote. Always remember that marriage is not just for procreation, many hetero couples get married and never have children because they don't want to. Remember, too, that only your God is allowed to judge others, not you. 

Okay folks there's my 2 cents worth LOL. 

Catch yas