Living in Australia, I'm not as affected by what is going on in the USA debate Pro Choice and Pro Life. I actually don't like the name Pro Life, I don't believe that anybody who is Pro Choice is not Pro Life, in fact unless you're some insane terrorist or serial killer, I'm pretty sure we are all Pro Life. Even serial killers are probably Pro Life cause hey if they don't have anyone alive to kill how are they going to get their rocks off.
I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control, never have and never will. I don't get how women can just get up one morning find out they are pregnant, shrug their shoulders and go off to the clinic. Having an abortion is not and should never be an easy decision. No matter when you believe those cells become a life, it should not ever be an easy decision to step through those clinic doors.
Pro Lifers would have us believe that from the moment of conception those cells are a viable life, we all know this is not true. If the mother died, the cells could not live outside the womb, so the cells are not sustainable in anyway. Now if this is what Pro Lifers believe, then why aren't they down at the courts demonstrating during the trial of someone who may of caused a car accident or got in a fight with someone, causing a woman to have a miscarriage, even if she is only a couple of weeks pregnant? Why isn't the guy who pushes his pregnant wife/girlfriend down the stairs causing a miscarriage being charged with murder instead of assault on the wife/girlfriend? What if you're pregnant and have a miscarriage, should you be charged? No you shouldn't, of course not, these are ridiculous fucking questions.
Woman all around the world should have the choice for themselves. Crusty old men in Parliament have no right to tell us what we can and can't do. They certainly can't turn around, like some, and say we should be using birth control. Why is it the woman's responsibility? Why isn't one of those men blocking the door to the clinic passing out free condoms to all his mates, his church members and his family? Instead of standing there and attempting to intimidate, man the fuck up and spread the word to all males you know, take responsibility for your own fucking actions. Everyone who has ever used one form of contraception or another, know that it is not 100% fool proof, it can fuck up. But in the Pro Life world they'd have us believe that it hasn't, we are just lying and not really using it.
I think the big difference between the 2 groups is that Pro Choice's are all about it's your choice, your decision, your body. The Pro Lifers are all about not your body, not your choice, you're going to burn in hell. How that translates into real life is someone else telling you what you can and can't do when looking at your choices in making a huge decision. They are saying no one can advise you of your choices, no once can give you counselling. It's like my neighbour saying to me "You can't park your car there, it's killing the grass." When my car is parked in my yard killing my grass. My neighbours don't interfere in my personal life and I don't interfere in theirs. Of course if one of them was killing the other, or if they were being robbed, I'd interfere LOL.
I hear and read so many comments about how it's murder, it's not and if you believe it is, then go to your representative and demand the law be changed so that, as I said before, if someone causes a miscarriage or the death of a few cells, then they must be charged with murder. The lady who accidentally tripped down the stairs has to be charged with manslaughter, sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Yep my point exactly.
Now in the States there are people who continually say that Planned Parenthood are using Federal funding to abort babies and sell the parts, ummm, I researched and actually found this to be a total lie. I'm not even living there and I know more about it than a lot of people who do live there do. Planned Parenthood provides breast screening, medicals, contraception, just to name a few, and yes you can get an abortion there, but that is only an extremely small part of what they do. If just one person can have a mammogram and have cancer detected early which saves their life, even if they can't afford it. I'm all for it.
The fact remains, when all is said and done, Pro Lifers are really Pro Choice, because they are choosing for themselves to go ahead and have that baby, even if they do give it up for adoption, and because they are making that choice for themselves they have to let other woman do the same. You cannot tell anybody else what to do unless you are willing to step up and take over the care of that mother and baby. As I said before I am not all about abortion as birth control, that is a horrible thing to do, the choice is hard and once it's done, you can't take it back, so back off and let us all make our own choices. There are many reasons a woman will get an abortion, they aren't all about birth control, but it must remain a decision for the individual, no one else should have a say.
Catch yas
As always this is my opinion, I don't speak for anyone else, kind of like staying out of others business really lol.