I've been reading links and comments online ever since the mass shooting in Orlando. I can't help but be disgusted in the hatred that is spewing out from supposedly civilized people.
I don't give a damn whether the people killed were gay or straight, no one should fucking care about that. What they should be caring about is, someone decided to murder them, someone stole the lives of their loved ones, plain and simple.
They got up in the morning or afternoon, looking forward to a night out with friends, a chance to party, have some fun and unwind. They went out to a place they believed was safe, somewhere they thought they could have a blast then go home and maybe regret it in the morning. But those 50 will never go home. Their families and friends will mourn them, will never again get to hold them and say 'I love you', will never get to see them grow old. They are gone, they aren't ever coming back.
And yet we are forced to see comments like '50 dead fags, good' or 'If Obama wasn't president this wouldn't of happened', seriously? Get a fucking grip you idiots. These 50 were human beings, they were loved, maybe you didn't love them, maybe you don't like their lifestyle choices, but who the fuck are you to make nasty comments about them? If the people making these comments were actually human in any way, they wouldn't be saying it, they'd be quietly commenting things like 'RIP' or 'So sad sending love and prayers to their families'. But nope lets blame the victims, lets turn this into a political fight, lets do anything but have any sympathy.
This was a violent act of domestic terrorism. The choice the murderer made was his own. No one told him to go and commit this act. Free fucking will. I make no secret of the fact that I think the gun laws in America are fucked, I never have and I never will believe that the 'Right to bear arms' means that every citizen should be armed while taking the dog for a walk or going shopping. I don't understand why you need a gun in your car or even in your home. My blood boils when I read about a child getting a gun and shooting themselves or someone else, and then having to read the crap that spews out about it like 'My child would never do that, they have been raised to be responsible with guns.' well listen up dickhead, accidents can and will happen, and they do, every fucking day. People get complacent, they believe that because they and everyone else in the house are trained in gun safety then they don't have to worry about having guns in the house or car. Complacency is what causes accidents. Complacency gets people killed. If the gun is not there in the first place it is not there to accidentally get used.
Now I'm not saying that there shouldn't be guns, not at all. Farmers need them, police need them, the armed forces need them, but Betty Sue taking the kids to day care does not need one.
Sorry went off on a bit of a rant there and strayed from my original thought, but the thought of guns does that to me.
We are losing our humanity, plain and simple. As long as there are arseholes in the world making nasty little comments and being totally uncaring our humanity will continue to slip away. If you can't say anything that is sympathetic, or if you want to use a tragedy to turn it into your own agenda of hate, then fuck off, don't comment. Save your disgusting thoughts for your own personal blogs or facebook posts, something that is shared with your friends (if you actually have any). Keep them off the public pages, don't comment on someone elses post, get off the news links, better yet stop being an arsehole and actually think about the pain someone is going through right now. The loved ones of the victims are suffering and they deserve to know that people care, and that people are horrified by the actions of one man. They don't need to see their loss turned into a political agenda or a hate campaign. They don't need to see the lives of their loved ones disrespected because of their lifestyle choices, they need our sympathy and caring.
Catch yas