Saturday, January 23, 2016

USA USA USA Election

I've been inundated with political posts and memes on my facebook page. Some days they are hilarious others interesting, but when I see Donald Trump I'm freaked out. I can't help but worry about what will happen to the world if that arrogant prick gets elected, or wins the nomination or whatever the fuck it is that's going on over there at the moment. 

I have to say I prefer our method couldn't stand it if all our pollies went through all this bullshit and we had to put up with it, stuff that. 

I've got my fingers crossed that that bad comb over never gets anywhere near the White House, and am trusting in the American public to keep him out. But then I remember some of the posts I've seen supporting him and wonder, are you guys serious, have you actually listened to this idiot? Why would you want some ignoramus in power? Seriously, I'd love to know why anyone would think he is worth following anywhere. Personally I wouldn't follow him to the bathroom. The man is a total bigot and would welcome Hitler coming back from the dead. 

He has made up a history that no one with a brain believes, he has no policies that make any sense or are detrimental to the US and the rest of the world. He is the sort of person, and I use that term loosely cause I'm still not sure he is human, that would stand there with a big smile on his face while pushing the button to launch a nuclear war. Of course he'd be prepared, and would end up being the ruler sitting on his throne, throwing bits of bread to his scrabbling minions, as they scurried around doing his bidding. He would rule with the arrogance that he lives and breathes, causing untold problems in not just America but around the world. 

Oh so he's going to stop illegal immigrants and will allow no refugees into the country? Ok sure, considering the white man was originally an illegal immigrant to the country, I can see how he would think it was his right to stop anyone else from living a free life. His idea of forcing Muslims to wear something similar to the Star of David that Hitler forced the Jews to wear, is not only scary it's totally immoral. Probably wouldn't be long before slavery came back, and the whole country would collapse. I can tell you now, Australia won't be lending you guys any money LOL. 

He takes pride in being a Christian, but seems to forget what being a Christian actually means or that Christians have had a brutal past. He has no knowledge of true history, just makes it up as he goes. He has built his business empire using arrogance and he will do the same to the country if he does make it to the White House. There will be separate classes of people, all his mates with money and everyone else without. He doesn't care about the lower or middle classes, he doesn't even care about the upper classes, he only cares about winning and showing everyone that he is better than them. I can imagine him taking down the statue of Lincoln and replacing it with one of himself sitting on a throne, wearing a smoking jacket with his hair flying in the imaginary breeze, shudder. He shows how little he thinks of women, so they will all be back home barefoot and pregnant where they belong. Homosexuals will be forced into hiding, living in fear of his jackbooted army. Every man woman and child will live in fear of committing the slightest transgression and calling attention to themselves. Wow that sounds just like how it was in Europe during the second World War, what a surprise. 

Reading my friends posts, I get the impression that this is a race between 2 parties, much like our elections always are, and that on one hand you have one wanting to send the country back to the dark ages, and the other trying to keep the country rolling along into the future. There are people saying that religion and politics go hand in hand, that it's how their country started, and others saying that the 2 should never be mixed. Personally I agree with the second, religion and politics should never ever be mixed. If you want to pray to God or Allah then go for it, but keep your religion out of politics. And then there's the whole debate over the Planned Parenthood Clinics, that do so much good for so many people. It has been proven that the information was faked, it has been admitted to be faked, and yet you still have people defending those who would close these clinics. 

The whole thing is absolute madness, but boy is it fun to read all the crap and have a good laugh. Pretty sure that isn't the intention of the posts, but they are just so funny and ignorant it can't be helped LOL. 

I admit I don't know all about American politics, but I'm not a blind idiot, I can read, and I have a brain. I am a very logical person, I find it hard to not be logical, I can but it's hard. I don't see anything logical in most of these posts. The articles are poorly written, and whoever is writing them doesn't even use spellcheck, seriously how hard is it to spellcheck something LOL. The alleged facts are easily disproved by a simple internet search, or just by using the brain we were all born with, to actually read whats written and realise this is just some idiot rambling total bullshit, much like most of whats online anyway. 

Anyway that's my 10 cents worth, or dime or whatever it is over there LOL. 

Catch yas