Mothers Day that is. You can always tell cause we get a million and one catalogues delivered all advertising pyjamas, slippers and chocolate for Mum, blah. How unimaginative is that. It seems though on every occasion there is always pjs for Mum, is this because they can't think what women could possibly want? I've seen ads for vacuum cleaners and irons that say give Mum what she wants. Sorry, buy it for me but don't give it to me for Mothers Day, Birthday or Christmas thanks.
That might seem ungrateful, but the last thing I'm wanting to think about on any of my special days, is cleaning or ironing. I don't want a bread maker, a new washing machine or dryer. Chocolate is okay provided I get to eat it, and not the giver (I'm not a huge chocolate fan so it tends to get eaten very slowly LOL). Flowers are lovely for Mothers Day in particular, or a good book, one I like not one you hope to borrow to read LOL.
When my kids were younger, they'd wash up for that night, and you know what that was just perfect. They always seemed better behaved too LOL. Now my daughters have children of their own, so Mothers Day is different, what I would like this year is to get together with them for a simple cuppa, let their hubbies take the kids for a few hours, and we 3 mothers have some quiet time together, no presents needed. From my son, I'd like flowers just like last year thanks LOL.
I love the idea of Mothers Day but not as a gift giving exercise. Forget the pjs and slippers, just spend some time with your Mum so she knows she is loved. The day should be spent doing nothing at all, no washing, no cleaning and if possible a sleep in. I know from experience how hard that can be with kids and babies, but that's why we have husbands and partners LOL.
So before you rush out and buy those pjs or slippers, think about your mother, and I mean really think about her. Remember all she has done for you, and continues to do, remember the love and if she has hinted about something she would like and you can swing it, then get it. Or take her out for a cuppa and chat. No matter what you give or do, so long as she gets to see you or hear your voice, she will be happy and feel loved.
Catch yas